Meta-Scientific Literacies
in the (Mis-)Info
rmation Age

Register for the Hub Kick-Off

Erasmus+ Teacher Academy

Empower all learners to act as responsible, competent and effective democratic citizens in a world flooded by mis- and disinformation.

Manipulated and falsified information is now the most severe short-term risk the world faces.

Extreme weather, critical change to Earth systems, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, natural resource shortages and pollution represent five of the top 10 most severe risks to be navigated in the coming decade. (World Economic Forum: The Global Risks Report 2024)

Education must lead the way out of the crisis.

The Teacher Academy SciLMi
— an Erasmus+ Partnership for Excellence funded from 2023 to 2026 —
rises to the challenge.

The Teacher Academy SciLMi develops, pilots, and evaluates cross-disciplinary blended intensive mobility programmes and trainings (BIP, BITs). Both pre- and in-service teachers are equipped with transversal competences, digital skills, and inclusive teaching strategies. The aim is to prepare teachers to instill in the future generation the ability to critically engage with the pressing socio-scientific issues outlined above, as well as to research and evaluate scientific claims and arguments for informed decision-making and action (PISA 2025 Science Competency 3). 

Participants in the BIP and BITs will receive guidance in developing lesson plans that foster the integration of meta-scientific literacy skills into their everyday teaching practices. Importantly, the programmes and trainings will endure beyond the project's lifespan, sustained through ongoing utilisation of Erasmus+ KA 1 funding.

News & Events

27 June:    Kick-Off SciLMi Hub

Register now!

Pan-European SciLMi Hub

Considering the global scope of the challenge, the SciLMi Teacher Academy aims to establish a pan-European Hub comprising entities involved in both initial and continous teacher education, schools, teacher associations, education authorities, foundations, NGOs, libraries, science centres, and other pertinent stakeholders. Members of the SciLMi Hub will not merely participate in the developmental stages but will also play a crucial role in fostering the project's enduring impact and sustainability. This will be achieved through the widespread dissemination of project deliverables and facilitating the seamless integration of meta-scientific literacy skills into education systems throughout Europe.

SciLMi Hub

Work Packages

Meta-Scientific Literacies

Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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